We sincerely apologize if you have received something different than what you have ordered, or your package contains missing item(s).
If you believe you received incorrect or missing item(s), please follow the steps below:
- Check your order confirmation email to ensure that what you received corresponds to what was ordered.
- If it does not match, please send us at least 2 clear photos of all items that you’ve received, including the front and back of the shipping and product packaging. If you did not receive item(s), also let us know if your shipping package was damaged/tampered with or not.
- Or if it matches, we can then help with a return/exchange.
While we always do our best to ensure our items are correctly sent the first time by meticulously scanning each and every item before they are shipped out, it is possible that mistakes might happen.
Contact us right away with your order number and we will take care of this for you.