Shipping to the US:
If you’re in the United States, import taxes are rarely applied, with 99% of orders shipped domestically, avoiding such charges.
Shipping within the EU:
If you’re located in an EU country, you can order through our EU website to prevent import taxes since we ship from Europe.
Shipping to other countries:
For customers outside the US or EU, your order will ship from our warehouse in Taiwan. As an importer, you are responsible for any import duties. Please check with your local customs office for potential charges before purchasing, as we cannot cover these fees.
Express shipping:
Import taxes or VAT may apply to any country, and it is your responsibility to verify the relevant regulations beforehand. If you refuse to pay these charges, your package could be destroyed by local authorities, and no refund will be issued.
[…] Will I incur any VAT or import fees? […]
owayki’s goods include VAT