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My tracking hasn’t updated or seems stuck. What should I do?

If the tracking number does not provide the latest update, here are some of the most likely reasons:

  • Your parcel is on the way to the destination, however, the post office has not yet scanned the parcel properly, so the latest status is not showing on the tracking website. Please allow a few days for your local post office to update the latest information after receiving your tracking number. You may also want to contact your local post office with your tracking number for more details once it enters your country.
  • Your parcel has arrived at the customs of your country and is currently under the clearance process during which the postal system is unable to provide any further updates until the customs are done with their work and inspections. We, unfortunately, are not able to tell you how long this process might be since we have no power over the customs of any country.

If you have any concerns or questions about your order, please feel free to contact us for further assistance. 


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